
Mechanism of ​ Action

Mechanism of Action


In the frontier of modern medicine, immunotherapy stands out as a groundbreaking approach, promising a better tomorrow for cancer patients. Unlike conventional treatments that target cancer cells directly, immunotherapy reconfigures the body’s defense mechanisms, enabling them to recognize and eradicate cancer cells more effectively. But how does this marvel of medicine work? Let us delve into the intricate processes underlying immunotherapy.

The Foundation: Our Immune System

To comprehend how immunotherapy functions, it is paramount to first understand the immune system’s role. Our immune system is a sophisticated network of cells, tissues, and organs working harmoniously to defend the body from harmful invaders like bacteria, viruses, and rogue cells including cancer.

Key Players


These are specialized cells trained to recognize and destroy infected or abnormal cells.


Produce antibodies that neutralize foreign substances.

Natural Killer Cells

They can recognize and kill certain tumor cells without any prior exposure.

However, cancer cells often employ cunning tactics to go unnoticed, thereby evading these defenses.

The Deception of Cancer Cells

Cancer cells, born from our body’s cells, have the unique ability to mask themselves as normal. They often develop mechanisms that inhibit immune responses, creating a “cloak of invisibility.” They might release chemicals that confuse the immune cells or exploit regulatory pathways to switch off the immune responses directed against them.

Immunotherapy: Unlocking the Immune System

This is where immunotherapy shines. It equips the immune system with tools to identify and combat cancer cells, even if they are adept at hiding.

Strengthening the Body to Battle Cancer

Immunotherapy helps the body use its own power to tackle cancer. It boosts the immune system to beat different cancers and save more lives.

Antibodies: These stick to harmful things in the body, like bacteria and cancer, and label them so other cells can destroy them.

B Cells: These cells release antibodies to protect the body from harmful invaders.

CD4+ Helper T Cells: These cells give signals to other immune cells, making them better at getting rid of dangers.

CD8+ Killer T Cells: They get rid of infected cells every day and can also find and destroy cancer cells.

Cytokines: These help immune cells talk to each other, planning the best defense.

Dendritic Cells: They break down harmful and cancer cells, then show the pieces to other immune cells that can finish the job.

Macrophages: These big cells swallow up and destroy dangers like bacteria and cancer. They also show parts of these threats to other immune cells.

Natural Killer Cells: They can quickly find and get rid of cells that have viruses or tumors. They also “remember” these harmful things for next time.

Regulatory T Cells: These cells make sure the immune system doesn’t go too far and only attacks when needed.

Some Important Types of Immunotherapies

Checkpoint Inhibitors

Checkpoint inhibitors represent a breakthrough in cancer treatments. Cancer cells, by nature, can sometimes evade the immune system’s radar. These inhibitors work by blocking certain proteins that would otherwise allow cancer cells to go unnoticed, enabling the immune system to recognize and attack them. They prevent the immune system’s brakes from being applied, giving the body a clear path to target cancer cells directly.

Dendritic Cell Therapy

Dendritic cells, often considered the body’s natural alarm system, play a vital role in our immune responses. They detect and present foreign invaders to other immune cells, sounding the alarm for a response. Dendritic Cell Therapy capitalizes on this mechanism. In this treatment, dendritic cells are enhanced and then reintroduced into the body, supercharging the immune system’s ability to recognize and fight off cancer.

Oncolytic Virus Therapy

Nature offers its own set of warriors in our fight against cancer, and oncolytic viruses are a prime example. These are viruses genetically engineered to target and destroy cancer cells without harming healthy ones. As the targeted cancer cells are destroyed, they release substances that trigger a stronger immune response against other cancer cells, making this approach both direct and indirect in combating tumors.

Cancer Vaccines

Cancer vaccines operate on the principle of initiative-taking defense. These vaccines not only target viruses known to cause cancers but also bolster the immune system’s defense against existing cancer cells. By teaching the immune system to recognize specific cancer markers, these vaccines serve as both a preventive measure and a treatment.

Autologous T Antigen Vaccines

In the realm of personalized medicine, Autologous T Antigen Vaccines stand out. Created uniquely for each patient, these vaccines are tailored to target the specific markers present in an individual’s tumor. They exemplify the potential of treatments that are designed based on an individual’s unique cellular makeup, ensuring a more targeted and effective response.

Monoclonal Antibodies

Monoclonal antibodies, a product of innovative biotechnology, are lab-engineered molecules designed to target specific cancer cells. By binding to receptors on these cells, they either signal the immune system to destroy them or inhibit their growth. Their precision targeting makes them a valuable tool in the fight against cancer.

mRNA Vaccines

The recent rise of mRNA technology has ushered in a new era of therapeutic possibilities. mRNA vaccines work by introducing a small piece of genetic information from the target cells, like cancer cells, into the body. This prompts the body to produce a response, either by creating proteins or triggering immune reactions, making these vaccines a promising avenue for both the prevention and treatment of diseases.

Neo Antigen Vaccines

Neo Antigen Vaccines represent the next step in tailoring treatments to individual patients. These vaccines are specifically designed based on the unique mutations present in a person’s tumor. By targeting these highly specific markers, they offer a promising route for more effective and personalized cancer treatment.

VAXO-Q-RE Augmentation

VAXO-Q-RE Augmentation is a unique approach that focuses on rejuvenating the immune system. By amplifying the immune system’s natural defenses, this treatment seeks to enhance its overall effectiveness, paving the way for a more robust defense mechanism against various diseases.

Pathways to Power

The success of immunotherapy hinges on intricate pathways and signaling processes.

PD-1/PD-L1 Pathway

A notable example is the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway. The protein PD-1, present on T-cells, binds with PD-L1 on some normal (and cancer) cells. When they bind, it signals the T-cell to leave the cell unharmed. Cancer cells overexpress PD-L1, effectively “putting T-cells to sleep.” Checkpoint inhibitors block this binding, re-activating the T-cells against cancer.

The Benefits of Immunotherapy

While science is intricate, the outcomes can be transformative.


Targets only cancer cells, reducing damage to normal cells.


The immune system remembers cancer cells, offering potential long-term protection.


This can be combined with other treatments for enhanced outcomes.

Latest Research and Studies

Continual research has been the cornerstone of immunotherapy’s evolution. Recent studies have shown its efficacy against various cancers, with some patients experiencing complete remission. The combination of immunotherapy with other treatments, like chemotherapy, is under intense research, promising a comprehensive approach to cancer eradication.


Immunotherapy’s advent has undeniably revolutionized cancer treatment, offering hope where once there was despair. By empowering the body’s natural defenses, it presents a change in basic assumptions in our combat against cancer. As research intensifies, the future appears bright, bearing the promise of turning the tide in our favor in the enduring battle against this ailment.

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