
Oncolytic Virus

Oncolytic Virus Therapy

Oncolytic virus therapy is a novel cancer treatment that uses viruses to selectively target and destroy cancer cells without harming normal tissue. These viruses exploit the unique vulnerabilities of cancer cells to infect and replicate within them, leading to cell lysis and the release of tumour antigens.

This process not only directly reduces tumour mass but also stimulates a systemic immune response against the cancer, harnessing the body’s own defences to fight the disease. The dual-action mechanism of direct tumour lysis and the activation of an immune response highlights the innovative and promising nature of oncolytic virus therapy in the landscape of cancer treatments.


  1. Targeted Infection: Oncolytic viruses selectively infect cancer cells due to their altered surface proteins or weakened antiviral responses, sparing healthy cells.
  2. Viral Replication: Once inside cancer cells, the viruses replicate, taking advantage of the cell’s machinery to produce more virus particles.
  3. Cell Lysis: The accumulation of viral particles causes the cancer cells to burst (lyse), directly reducing the tumour mass.
  4. Release of Tumour Antigens: Cell lysis releases tumour-specific antigens and viral particles into the surrounding tissue, drawing the attention of the immune system.
  5. Immune System Activation: The presence of viral particles and tumour antigens triggers an inflammatory response, activating immune cells like T cells and dendritic cells.
  6. Systemic Immune Response: The immune system targets not only the infected tumour cells but also eliminates metastatic cells, providing a comprehensive treatment.
  7. Immunological Memory: The therapy may create a lasting immune memory, offering ongoing protection by preparing the immune system to swiftly identify and combat any returning tumor cells.


Enhanced Targeting

Genetically modified oncolytic viruses now boast increased cancer cell specificity, reducing harm to healthy tissue and boosting treatment outcomes.

Immune System Synergy

Pairing oncolytic viruses with immunotherapies like checkpoint inhibitors has marked a breakthrough, intensifying anti-cancer responses by breaking tumor-induced immune suppression.


Innovations in delivery, from direct tumor injections to systemic infusions and carrier cells, are enhancing the reach and efficiency of oncolytic virus therapies.


Genetic advancements have led to oncolytic viruses capable of producing in-tumour therapeutic agents, like cytokines and antibodies, magnifying their anti-cancer impact.



Oncolytic viruses selectively target and destroy cancer cells, minimizing harm to healthy tissues and reducing the side effects associated with traditional treatments.

Stimulates Immune Response

These viruses not only kill tumour cells directly but also activate a systemic immune response, aiding in the elimination of cancer cells body-wide and possibly preventing future recurrences.

Combinatorial Potential

This therapy can be effectively combined with other treatments like chemotherapy and immunotherapy, improving outcomes and tackling treatment resistance.

Reduced Side Effects

The specificity of oncolytic viruses for cancer cells leads to fewer and milder side effects compared to standard cancer therapies.

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